{In no particular order}
Updates in italics June 2012
~Read 1 Psalm and 1 Proverb each morning at breakfast
So far have not been consistent with this one.
~Begin Homeschooling Preschool
Have done some but not consistently.
~Research and Understand more about health and wellness
Have done some of this but have not found a great method for keeping track of what I find.
~Blog at least once a week
This one is terribly hard for me. My little one hates it when I'm on the computer and I feel like the computer robs my time so I try to stay away if I can.
~Empty email in-boxes and unsubscribe from junk
I have cleared a lot of email, still have a lot to go and I have unsubscribed from somethings.
~Create and follow a schedule/routine
Off and on I do, just can't make it habit.
~Make Christmas gifts and Decorations
Just got out the idea books to get started on this one.
~Finish Unpacking
Glad I didn't really get this one done. Since we've decided to move again so soon.
~Throw a Birthday Party for each member of my family, including myself
Just felt weird trying to get a party planned for myself and my husband just isn't interested. So that leaves my daughter who won't stop talking about her birthday, at least that party will happen.
~Try 1 new recipe per week
I have tried some new recipes this year but nowhere close to one a week.
~Drink 3 liters of water per day, make it a habit
I try but it's still not a habit.
What do you hope to accomplish in 2012?