This morning I went to balance my checkbook and as I scrolled down my e-statement, I realized that it no longer has the reconciliation table at the end. You can't print it to reconcile (aka balance) your checkbook. So as I struggled to remember what it says and what order things go in I thought I'd write a post on how you balance your checkbook.
The first thing you need to do is pick a quite time with as few distractions/interruptions as possible. This can be rather challenging but if you don't it will take you much longer.
Next, gather the things you'll need:
- Your checkbook register
- The statement
- Pencil and Eraser
- Calculator
- Something to drink
Take your statement, find the ending balance and transfer it to your reconciliation form or write it at the top of your page. Then go down your statement and one by one put a check mark by them in your checkbook register. Here, you are checking to make sure that the amount and the vendor match, that they didn't charge you more than you thought (this will sometimes happen if you add a tip at the end or if you or they transpose numbers). After you have checked off all matching items, use the form (below), or make two columns one for the withdrawals/payments and one for deposits/credits. Put items in there corresponding columns and then find the sum of each column. After you've done this, subtract your withdrawals/deposits from your deposits/credits. Then add your ending balance to the total from deposits minus withdrawals. This total is your current balance, it should match what your checkbook register says. It will not always match what your bank says your balance is, especially if you use your account a lot.
Here's an example:
Click the Image below for a {free} form you can save or print (no download required):
{Font}: Everytime I Miss You downloaded from:
kevin {&} amanda