~1 (.25oz) pkg or 2 1/4 t active dry yeast
~2 tsp salt
~2 T Italian Seasoning
~2 1/2 T Garlic Powder
~1/4 c honey (can substitute for sugar)
~8 oz. milk
~4 oz. water
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease pizza pan. Combine dry ingredients in large mixing bowl.{See note below} Warm milk, water and honey to 110 degrees. {If using sugar add to dry ingredients}Add liquids to dry ingredients. Stir until well mixed. Remove the dough, oil the bowl, replace dough, and cover with a towel. Let rise for 20-25 minutes. Knead dough on clean floured surface 6-8 times. Add flour as necessary to keep from sticking. Roll into the desire shape and thickness. Place on pan, add sauce and toppings. Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes, depending on thickness.
{Note} You may want to start with 2 to 2 1/2 cups flour, then add other dry ingredients and then wet. Continue to add the last half cup flour until the dough is not longer to sticky. This saves flour and prevents the dough from becoming too dry.
{Modified from a recipe on EasyPizzaCrusts.com}
Check out my favorite pizza sauce recipe.
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