In January of 2008 I found out I was pregnant. We weren't actively trying but we weren't actively preventing either. I called my doctor & they said if I thought I was pregnant that the first step was to go get an ultrasound. So my husband & I go have our ultrasound and despite the fact that the technician did a very good job or acting like everything was normal, there was no heart beat. It was about 5.2 weeks into the pregnancy. According to most books I had read it wouldn't be until the sixth week for a heart beat. (And considering my baby was born a week past her due date maybe it was only 4 weeks). So I go to work the next day like everything is normal and while I'm there I get a call from the doctors office telling me I need to go have blood tests, today and again in 2 days. Totally freeked me out. Then I have any appointment to see the doctor & I go in and she tells me that somethings probably wrong since there was not a heart beat and that they might have to go in and clear me out. Then she tells me to make another ultrasound appointment for the following week. So I go in for my 2nd ultrasound and everything seems fine... there's a heart beat. After maybe 1 or 2 more visits I started looking for a midwife.
Anyway, long story short is that everything turned out fine. I gave birth to a 7 pound 12 ounce 22 in baby girl, despite having gestational diabetes, at home in a birth pool. This would never have happened had I stuck with the doctor. The day I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes would have been the day the doctor scheduled my c-section. Anyway, despite the fact that I have not yet been able to see the whole film, I'm sure just by watching the trailer that its views are in line with how I felt about the medical profession and being pregnant. So check out The Business of Being Born produced by Ricki Lake.
As a side note: if your looking for a midwife in the las vegas area check out Baby's 1st Day &
April Kermani my midwife. Or various other midwives and birth professionals at Well Rounded Momma.
April Kermani my midwife. Or various other midwives and birth professionals at Well Rounded Momma.
Take the time to look into who's caring for you and your baby, its a precious season that you won't want ruined.
Buy it here.
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